What is OKNB? (German)

Ohne Kerosin Nach Berlin - OKNB for short - is a nationwide bicycle protest organised by Students for Future and other For Future initiatives. On our protest tours, we head for climate-relevant locations, organise actions and workshops, spend the night in tents and cook together. Whenever possible, we talk to local people to initiate debates and enthusiastically campaign for a climate-friendly future. In 2024, we will not be travelling to Berlin but to Brussels at the end of May to mark the European elections under the motto "Democracy on the Streets".
We demand climate justice, democracy and human dignity from and for the EU!
Schließ dich an!

OKNB 2024 in the Year of Elections

Euphoric from last year's OKNB, we still haven't had enough of the bicycle protest, especially as long as we don't have a climate-friendly world. That's why we'll be on the road again this year and are looking forward to valuable encounters and discussions in the politically trend-setting year 2024.

While one tour under the motto "Democracy on the Streets" will travel to Brussels from 17 May (starting in Cologne) to 24 May to accompany the European elections, the second tour in the summer from 11 August (starting in Erfurt) to 1 September (arriving in Potsdam) will focus on the state elections in Thuringia, Saxony and Brandenburg. An overview of the Brussels tour can be found on our own homepage in the link below. We will provide further information about the German election tour here in time.

The moment you read these sentences is the perfect time to join the organisation team ;)
If you would like to get involved or simply take a look at the organisation, please send an email to europe@oknb.email for the "Democracy on the Streets" or info@oknb.email for the tour in Germany.
Democracy on the Streets Homepage

Registration for the Protest Tours

Would you like to take part again or have you been inspired by impressions and stories about past OKNB tours?

Whoop whoop ! The time has come and you can click on the links below to register for a ride on the respective tours or sections :)

Registration for Democracy on the Streets
Registration for the German Election Tour

Our Values

Ohne Kerosin Nach Berlin (OKNB) does not tolerate any form of ableism (discrimination against disabled people), ageism (discrimination against people because of their age), anti-Semitism, queerphobia, racism, sexism, transphobia or any other form of discrimination or violence.
OKNB sees itself as a non-partisan demonstration and we do not support any political parties. Therefore, we do not display any political party symbols and do not want to convey any partisan messages

You still have questions?

Have a look at the FAQ. We may have already answered them there. Otherwise, please write to us using the contact form. Until now both are only available in German, but of course you can still write us in English.

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