Ohne Kerosin Nach Berlin

What is OKNB?

Ohne Kerosin Nach Berlin (OKNB) is a nationwide bicycle protest initiated by Students for Future and other For Future initiatives in Germany. On our tours, which last several weeks, we visit climate-relevant locations, organise actions and workshops, spend the night in tents and cook together. We talk to local people whenever possible to understand their situations and share our enthusiasm for a sustainable future. In 2023, however, we replaced Berlin as our destination with Munich, the capital of federal state Bavaria. The protest against the Interantional Motor Show there fit in with our focus on sutainable transport policy.

OKNB 2024 goes to ... ?

... and after OKNB '23? Euphorised by this year's action, we are not done yet with cycling protests, especially as long as we don't have a climate justice. That's why we are currently developing concepts for an OKNB action in 2024.

While one tour will be biking to Brussels from 17 May to 24 May connected to the European elections, the second tour in the summer will focus on the federal state elections in Thuringia, Saxony and Brandenburg. More information will follow shortly.

As we are just starting to plan, now is the perfect time to get involved!
If you would like to get be part or simply take a look at the planning, please send an email to info@oknb.email

Our Values

Ohne Kerosin Nach Bayern (OKNB) does not tolerate any form of ableism, ageism, anti-Semitism,
queerphobia, racism, sexism, transphobia and no other form of discrimination or violence.
OKNB sees itself as a non-partisan demonstration and we do not support any political parties. Therefore, we do not display any political party symbols and do not want to convey any partisan messages

You still have questions?

Have a look at the FAQ. We may have already answered them there. Otherwise, please write to us using the contact form. Until now both are only available in German, but of course you can still write us in English.

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